Fast Food and Drinks

What do you crave?

Chances are it’s not the lettuce and cucumber sandwich. There a whole lot of reasons that our body craves high fat, high sugar foods. From tiredness and fatigue, dehydration, basic addiction to the instant hit it may give our system. Unfortunately, whatever satisfaction might be gained in those fleeting moments is soon replaced with some pretty scary consequences:

1. Excess energy that your body can’t use and stores as fat

2. Enormously high calorie content for incredibly low nutritional value

3. Immediate spikes in blood sugar levels that our bodies can’t handle and are the pathway to issues such as type 2 diabetes

4. The vicious cycle of a short-term energy hit which leads to a bottoming out of energy shortly after, this re-ignites the craving for another hit – all with little to no nutritional value for your body.


But it says it’s healthy?

So many products claim to be healthy for marketing purposes, but how healthy are they?

Cereals – Look out for any cereal that doesn’t contain at least 5% of fibre and no more than 10% sugar. Check the amount per 100g on the label.

Drinks – Surely pure fruit juice is healthy? Some juices have up to 13% sugar, as much as soft drinks. You’re basically eating eight oranges worth of energy in one sitting – without the good roughage to go with it.

Muesli Bars – Much like the cereals, not all are created equal, many are barely different to a chocolate bar when it comes to the level of sugars involved.

Take Away – Many fast food outlets are trying to push a healthy range to lure you in. Look for real food that hasn’t had to store for weeks and still looks like it’s natural form.


What 200 calories might look like?


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