Immune System

The immune system is a system of biological structures and processes within an organism that protects against disease. It helps to heal your bruises, bones and fix you when you get a cold. Its ability to work properly can be affected by many things, including sleep, stress, diet and drugs. It is the last two affecters that I am concerned with here.

The number of drugs prescribed daily across the world must be astronomical. We have all most likely taken them and relied on them at one time or another. Before I proceed, I am not here to bad mouth drugs, just to provide information to make you think about what you are going to do in future in relation to your ills. Your immune system has been working since you were in the womb and has been practicing and adapting on an ongoing basis. Is it possible that a drug can come in and beat your immune system at its own game? Maybe. Again, I will say that I have taken a pill when I have felt like death warmed up, but has it actually sped up the healing process?

So what is the answer to healing and feeling better? I believe it is to create optimal conditions within the body to allow healing to occur.

Put simply, this means doing what we are designed to do and eating what we are designed to eat. Basically optimal conditions may require trying a few of these lifestyle options:

•    Eat real food:   This is food that has a short life (e.g. fruit, vegies, meat, eggs, etc) not stuff that sits on a shelf for years

•  Moving more throughout the day: Our body is designed to move and thrives on movement. Climbing stairs and walking at lunchtime are easy ways to start

•  Stress less: Stress has such a physiological response in the body that it affects nearly all your internal systems, especially your immune system. Is it coincidence that we get sick around stressful times?

•  Sleep: sleep and sleep. We all know we need sleep, so prioritise it.

As you can see there are many things that affect your body's ability to operate effectively and optimise our immune system. Just give it what it wants and it will reward you. Likewise, if you do something it doesn't like it will tell you


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