Foam rollers

Ever wondered why there are people lying on the gym floor rolling around on a cylinder piece of foam? Is this just another stupid craze that we see from the gyms or sport scientist? Does it actually do anything?


What are foam rollers?

Foam rollers are tools that aid in self-myofascial release (a fancy term for self-massage), assisting in the release of trigger points and decreasing muscle tightness. The cylinder shape of the foam roller allows you to roll over specific muscles and apply pressure to sore spots or trigger points. This should, if done correctly, help return the muscle to normal function.  


Why not just stretch?

Generally if a muscle seems tight, fibrous and knotty, you would stretch it. However, sometimes just stretching is not always enough, as stretching will rarely help the trigger points. Imagine a bungee cord with a knot tied in the middle. When the cord is stretched either side of the knot will elongate, but the knot in the middle will remain unchanged or perhaps get even tighter. This is where a foam roller can help. Foam rolling can assist in breaking up these knots and relaxing the tight muscles, resulting in increased blood flow and improved function to the muscle.


What does foam rolling feel like? Is it painful?

When foam rolling over tight/sore muscles, you will experience some discomfort or pain. Think of it like the pain you get with a deep tissue massage. It should be uncomfortable, but not unbearable, and should always feel better once you have finished. Remember foam rolling alone will not fix the issue; you must stretch as well.


How do you use a foam roller?

Although simple to use, get your HBP Group team member to show you the right way to use the foam rollers. They will be able to assess where it can benefit you the most and show you safe and simple instructions on how to use it.


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