What is Depression and How Does It Impacts Us?

Many people discount depression and compare it to a case of bad mood that we can shake off and get on with our lives. However, depression is a brain disorder that can have devastating mental and physical consequences.

In fact, depression has been linked to a wide array of physical disorders ranging from cardiovascular diseases, impaired immunity, digestive problems, and more (1, 2, 3).

And it doesn’t stop there. Not only can depression cause certain health problems, but it can also exacerbate pre-existing ones. 

For example, due to its effect on the brain and neurotransmitters (such as serotonin), depression can decrease your pain threshold, making you more susceptible to it. And if you have pre-existing injuries and chronic pain-points, they can become much more noticeable. 

Serotonin is also responsible for sleep quality and libido. Meaning, depression can cause sleeplessness, depression, and decrease your interest in sex.

Aside from that, depression can also lead to chronic fatigue, decreased appetite, oversleeping, and general lack of motivation to do anything.

And as a byproduct of these negative effects, we also become more stressed out which itself leads to a wide array of problems. 


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