Knowing the differences in Pain

the old saying NO pain no gain has got lots of people into trouble!


As we’ve discussed before – it’s important to start slow and steady so the risk of injury is drastically reduced. A majority of injuries when people first start is due to people going too hard too early. We get a bit excited and over do it!


So it’s really important set an initial target for duration / intensity and do slightly below this for the first few sessions. These sessions are about setting up habits and building consistency and experiencing success – not about smashing yourself so you can’t walk or move for a week.


When we first start exercising it is normal to feel general muscle soreness and this can last 3 – 5 days. It’s often worst 2 days after exercise (DOMS). Post exercise soreness is usually generalized, on both sides of the body and after 2 -3 days post exercise generally begins to improve each day. If however the pain does not gradually improve after 3 + days, is in one specific area, is sharp/shooting, causes pins and needles, burning or tingling or there is any swelling, heat or redness in a specific area – it is important to stop the activity and seek medical input to rule out any injury.


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