Weight Loss Day 15

Day 15

Time to get things moving

We’re into week 3 now so it’s time we started the conversation about how you’re moving. Last week we were looking at some key tips to boost your metabolism, and exercise is definitely an important part of the metabolism machine.

Doing some cardiovascular or aerobic workouts will also help raise your metabolism. While longer, less intense cardio workouts (walking) may burn more calories during your workout, shorter, more intense sessions (weights, running) will keep your metabolic rate higher after you’re done working out.

If you haven’t been active for a while, really just focus on getting your steps up over 10,000 a day, and getting up and moving regularly every hour so you’re not stuck in static positions for to long. It’s important to be honest with where you’re at now and not go to hard too soon. On the other hand, if you don’t push yourself a little bit, then you’re also not going to see any real change.

Any movement that gets your heart rate up and increases blood circulation throughout the body is helping to work and improve your cardio vascular system. It’s important that before you do anything too intense, that you at least take the physical activity readiness questionaire

If this shows some potential risks, then make sure you see one of our people, or a health professional before embarking on a new exercise regime.

There's more in the booklet, and we'll keep reminding you along the way @user_first_name@ so keep trying to add a little more of each element to your day to day routine.


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