Resistance Training Guidelines - Advanced

Exercise Selection and Structure

As an advanced resistance trainer, you have plenty of options for your exercise selection and how you can structure your workouts.

Exercise selection can consist of both larger/full-body movements, such as squats and deadlifts, and also isolated exercises, such as bicep curls or calf raises.

In terms of structure for multiple days of training in a week, there are several options:

  • Upper and lower body days
  • Full body days
  • Push and pull focus
  • Individual body part splits

Overall: a range of full body and isolated exercises with several options to structure your training


3+ p/w


At an advanced training age, the volume of resistance training is going to be determined by your specific goals. Refer to the Repetition Maximum Continuum to help determine what will work best for you.

Sets: 1-8  |  Reps: 1-Max


Rest periods for advanced resistance trainers are dependent on your individual goals:

  • Strength: 2-5 minutes
  • Power: 2-5 minutes
  • Hypertrophy (muscle building): 30 seconds –1.5 minutes
  • Muscular endurance: <30 seconds

The main recommendation is to align your rest periods with both your training goal and skill set.

Intensity and RPE

Intensity for advanced resistance trainers can go through several ranges of RPE.

It can be a real key component for people looking to achieve specific goals. To get a proper training stimulus we should always aim for an RPE of 6+.

For advanced: aim for anything that is a 6+/10 RPE

Progressive Overload

For advanced resistance trainers, there are more variables that could potentially be the used once you have the skill set to do so.

All the variables mentioned can have major implications.

The recommendation for progressive overload in advanced resistance trainers is to align which variable you change in relation to your goal. Some examples are:

  • Ensuring adequate rest periods for maximal strength training
  • Increasing the number of sets per muscle group for building muscle
  • Pairing exercises together in supersets to increase the amount of work being done for given exercises

All variables can be manipulated and between different training blocks and goals. Within training blocks, keep it to one variable and consistent!

If you’re unsure then get in touch with a HBP Group Health & Wellbeing coach.


  • Exercise’s in resistance trainer’s skill set - Full body and isolated exercises
  • 3+ sessions p/week
  • Sets: 1-8 per exercise
  • Reps: 1-MAX
  • Rest: based on goal
  • Overload: pick 1 variable
  • Intensity: 6-10/10 RPE
  • Consistency!


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