Weight Loss Day 66

Day 66


Food Diary Findings

Hopefully by now you’ve had a play of all of the different elements available to you in the 10 Week Challenge. One of the great ones is the food diary. This is such a great tool for you, that will not only help you maintain your course, but make sure you are getting the most out of every day.

Understanding how our body reacts to food is such an essential component to our overall health and wellbeing. It’s amazing how the wrong foods can very quickly leave you feeling tired, grumpy, un-focused, and even hungry.


Notes and Reminders

The other area of the program that you have hopefully found helpful are the notes and reminders. Make sure that you take the time to go back over any note or reminder you set throughout the challenge. If there are any key messages you have written to yourself, or reminders that you found useful, then make sure you continue to use them moving forward.


Counting your steps

Don’t let the end of the challenge be an excuse to stop counting your daily steps either. You don’t need a leaderboard to motivate you, just make it part of your daily goals, knowing what a good thing it is for your wellbeing.


Ongoing resources

Now that you’ve become a part of the Unlocking Life team, we’ll still have a lot of the resources available to you via the app for you to use moving forward, so don’t think we’re pulling the rug out from under you and just sending you on your way. We want to see you succeed, not just now, but into the future.


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