
This section is where we are likely to touch base with clients to just check their progress is ticking along. We ask if they have implemented the behaviour change we want to work on. Clients will be using language such as ‘I still am doing x, y and/or z’. The path for clients that have made a change for six months plus can very easily go down two different paths which will be discussed.


Maintenance Clients

Clients will likely have been doing the set-out behaviour for approximately six months. It doesn’t matter how big or small the behaviour change is, it’s a matter of that being consistent for six months. Important to note that just because clients progress to the maintenance level, does not mean they don’t need to continue working diligently to maintain the behaviour. Nor does it necessarily mean that they will no longer need or want a coach.

They are also just as likely to relapse then if they’re in any other stage. A few examples could be:

  • Boredom
  • Potentially slipping back to the old habit
  • Doing the behaviour but not progressing
  • Not being challenged with the behaviour change
  • Time of year such as family holidays
  • Deadlines with work 

Discussing adjustments based on circumstances changing in client’s lives to ensure that they won’t completely fall off the wagon is key. Confidence testing is a fantastic tool to continue to use with clients in this stage also.


Termination Clients

Clients that are comfortably partaking in the behaviour change without any issues don’t need to be checked in on too often. We want to aim to get clients to a point where they have made a sustainable change that is making a positive impact on their wellbeing.

This doesn’t mean they don’t need to be checked on at all, we want to hear about how they’ve successfully changed for the better. It’s also a really good time to practice reflection with those clients. Looking at where they have started and where they are now is a great way to help them put into perspective what they have achieved, no matter how big or small the change!


Relapse Clients

This can happen at just about any stage of change and can be for a whole range of reasons. So, this section we are going to assume that the relapse is directly related to the behaviour change. 

This is a fantastic opportunity as a coach to utilise your questioning. Refer to the ‘Questioning’ resource to generate some ideas on how you can explore why a client has relapsed. By being able to listen and get the client to explain their experience at whatever stage they have relapsed will be the key in adjusting your goals. Some good ones might be:

  • Describe to me why it is you think you stopped doing ‘x’ behaviour?
  • What feeling did you have when you weren’t successful in achieving this?
  • Tell me about the experience you had
  • What do you think is the limiting factor in doing ‘x’?

By exploring their barriers, fears and also allowing them to verbalise them helps create that safe environment to readjust and have another go. Again, reframing it as a learning opportunity will be key as the coach to getting them back on board.



Aptitude is a person's ability to do a specific task. An example is that the same behaviour intervention might take Client A two months to implement, whereas Client B might take eight months to implement it. 

Everyone has a different rate to which they will be able to apply the interventions that we look to co-create and set out. It’s still important to go through a process with clients that has been set out in this coaching resource.

Aim for progress, not perfection.



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