Why are my hands always cold and i need a coat inside?

To begin with some people just have cold hands and feet. In most cases, it means nothing.

However, the key question is what colour do your fingers go in the cold? If your fingers are going white then you may have something called 'Raynaud's disease'. Raynaud’s disease is a condition where the blood vessels shut down because of the cold.

However, the main reason to know that it is 'Raynaud's' is that it is important to protect your fingers from the cold as the condition means that your body is not so good at protecting itself from cold damage.

The easiest way to fix it is to not let your hands get cold by wearing gloves or using a heater.

Another theory is low iron. I personally experienced this when completing the Living Below the Line challenge. Once i was able to get some good food back into my diet it immediately went away.


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