I'm Tired


IF you catch yourself saying "I feel tired all the time, I wish I knew what was wrong with me and what I should do about it," then this is the story for you.

We wish the answer was sexier, but tiredness is often a result of simple lifestyle factors: a lack of quality sleep, excessive physical exertion, poor diet, emotional upheaval or stress.

In some cases, however, there may be an underlying medical abnormality such as anaemia, a viral illness such as influenza or glandular fever, a hormonal imbalance such as an underactive thyroid, or diabetes, a heart problem, low blood pressure, chronic fatigue or cancer. It could even be a side effect of certain medications.

If the problem has been going on for weeks and isn't abating, or is getting worse, it's important to seek medical advice. Your doctor can ask about the duration and pattern of your symptoms, your family history and recent life events. They may examine you physically and, if necessary, order further investigations such as blood and urine tests or X-rays.

Good habits

In many cases, it's difficult to identify any specific underlying medical cause for fatigue. Simple lifestyle changes or behaviour modification may improve energy levels, though.
Keeping regular hours and simply getting sufficient sleep may be factors. Check whether your diet is balanced and nutritionally sound, with sufficient protein, vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals.


It may seem counterintuitive to expend energy when you're feeling exhausted, but regular exercise can help your energy levels enormously.

A graded exercise regimen starting slowly and building up gradually with something simple such as regular walking - can build fitness, maintain muscle mass and strength.
It can also improve mood, motivation and overall wellbeing, as well as improving sleep quality, appetite, concentration, alertness, immune function and cardiovascular health.

Hydrate yourself

Dehydration reduces your blood volume, making your heart work harder so you feel tired. Dr Simon Floreani, Chiropractors Association of Australia president, says you should drink 30 millilitres of water a day for every kilo you weigh.
Change your alarm clock

"Having the same waking time each day is more important than the time you go to bed, as it communicates the end of your sleep cycle to your brain and body," Professor Bartlett from the Woolcock Institute’s Sleep and Circadian Group says.

This is why sleeping in for more than an hour on the weekend can make you feel jetlagged. The perfect waking time? According to research, 7.22am is ideal.


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