Neck Pain


If you’re experiencing neck pain, amazingly you may well be in the majority. Not all neck pain is created equal of course, but below is a brief overview of the six causes of neck pain we see most often.

MUSCLE PAIN: Aching or sore neck/shoulder muscles generally occurs as a result of over exertion or prolonged physical or even emotional stress. The neck muscles may develop hard knots that are tender to the touch, sometimes called trigger points.

MUSCLE SPASM: Ever woken up in the morning in pain – only able to move your neck one way? More than likely this was caused by a muscle spasm. This is a quick, strong stiffening of neck muscles. Your neck can be painful and feel tight or knotted, and it may be almost impossible to turn your head (particularly in one direction). Muscle spasm can result from a muscle “niggle”, but may also occur in response to pillow issues, disc or nerve issues, or even emotional stress. Often there is no clear cause.

HEADACHE: That horrible dull aching headache is very likely being caused by tension or muscle spasm in your neck. You’ll generally feel it at the back base of the skull. The neck might also feel stiff or tender. Moving your neck makes it worse.

FACET JOINT PAIN: Often described as deep, sharp, or aching, pain in the facet joints (these are the joints between each vertebrae of the neck). The pain generally gets worse if you lean your head toward the affected side, and may radiate to your shoulder or upper back. Arthritis often builds a home in the facet joints also. The pain may often be at its worse in the morning or after a period of inactivity.

NERVE PAIN: Irritation or pinching of the roots of the spinal nerves causes pain that may be sharp, fleeting, severe, or accompanied by pins and needles. Pain may shoot down the arm or into hand depending on where the nerve involved.

BONE PAIN: Direct pain and tenderness in the bone is far less common than neck pain from the soft tissues. If bone pain appears to be an issue, it requires direct medical attention as it may signal a more serious health problem.

More often than not, neck pain is the result of incorrect sustained postures where the pressure builds up over time. Talk to your HBP Group team member about some basic day to day strategies to avoid, or manage and relieve your pain, including simple and easy self-help techniques that require less than a few minutes a day to make a huge difference.


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